When we plan a hottie post we have in our imagination what we'd like to feature. And then we find a pic we took that matches the "story board" we've created. Double Tuesday features are really difficult because getting two hotties in one pic is quite hard.
Below is the theme we were aiming for:
And below is what FT and FTH provided:
So they're not Olympic divers! The cute pair in FT's pic have a chic geekiness about them, as if they're ready for a social event at MIT. The beefy pair in FTH's pic seem ready to lift the men's Olympic gymnasts onto the gymnastic rings. That's a good thing!
We figured we'd feature two pics of double hotties so that we could use up the last two double pics in our collection and start fresh for next week. Who will be next week's Double Tuesday?!?!
Location: CT1 Bus in Cambridge (top); Red Line at Broadway (bottom)
Imagined Olympic Sports: Archery (top left); Table Tennis (top right), Gymnastic Gymnast Lifters (bottom left and right).
Photographer: FT (top); FTH (bottom)
Cocktails of the British Empire
The Royal Navy
Enlisted men in the Royal Navy would receive their daily ration of rum. High ranking officers would receive gin, instead. The Royal Navy was preferred for cooling off in hot tropical climes and warding off malaria.
3/4 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice
3/4 ounce lime cordial
2 ounces Plymouth Gin
Comine ingredients in mixing glass and shake until bone chillingly cold. Strain into a cocktail glass. Sip while enjoying the sunset.