With his radiation octagonal radiation safety badge our handsome fellow shows he has the hot stuff! From tip to toe, top to bottom, from stem to stern he shines in all facets. Makes the Green Line commute so much more interesting.
We apologize for missing yesterday's post. While doing a pre-work cycling training ride Friday morning our HOTT Crew member FT had a most unfortunate cycling accident.
A squirrel (Species: Sciurus carolensis) darted across the bikeway and unfortunately wound up entangled in FT's front wheel (see squirrel in wheel above). The squirrel did not live. FT, despite being thrown over his handlebars did live, but not without significant injuries.
Our HOTT Crew praises the staff at Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital for their prompt attention to FT. FT especially enjoyed the narcotics and the hottie Anesthesiology Resident.
And FT wants us to let you know that other than a need to replace the spokes on the front wheel the bike is fine.
Location: Green Line at Symphony
Imagined Profession: Research Investigator
Photographer: FT