Tuesday 28 August 2012

Double Tuesday - So Much Double!

Our apologies for a late posting today... we forgot to hit the "Publish" button! 

Above is a charming variation on our Double Tuesday theme. For starters we technically have two hotties on one pic. But we also have one of those hotties reflected in the window, giving a different perspective to our double theme. We especially enjoy the insouciant look on the face of the main hottie in this pic and his T-shirt really cracked us up ("Where the ______ is the Finish Line"). Very appropriate for us as we are getting closer to our 1-day 125 mile bike ride.

Location: #1 Bus in Cambridge
Imagined Profession: Artist
Photographer: FT

And we have a bonus double pic below!
A follower of our blog (we haven't yet decided on a nickname for him) sent us this delightful pic of two very happy hotties. We rather enjoy hottie on the left's workboots paired with what appears to be a European Men's Carry All. And hottie on the right seems to be emulating hottie on the left's pose. Notice how his left arm is in the same position and same angle as his double. And both have a certain glow on their faces. Wonder what made them so happy? Hmmmmm!

Location: Orange Line
Profession: We have an idea but we're just not going there today!
Photographer: Un-nicknamed Blog Follower

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The Hotties on the T Team