Tuesday 9 July 2013

Double Tuesday - Double Temptation

So alike, yet so different. It's as if their facing each other is designed to show off both their similarities and their individuality. Hottie on the left features lighter colors, both in his clothing and his skin tone, and prefers to wear running shoes. Hottie on the right goes for darker colors and a more tanned skin tone, and prefers to wear flip flops. And notice how hottie on the left has that closely groomed hairstyle while hottie on the right goes for the intentional tousled look (nice choice with his wavy hair). Both hotties.... a temptation!

Location: Green Line at Blandford
Imagined Professions: Hottie on the left, Accounting; Hottie on the right, Sales
Photographer: GB

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The Hotties on the T Team