Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Dog Day on the T

In celebration of National Dog Day yesterday we captured pics of hotties' best friends riding on the T! Above a bulldog we've named Winston chillin' on an inbound train to the Back Bay.
Above at Government Center is a dog we've named Bella. Bella looks amazingly like Stella (master of our HOTT Crew's friends TJ & Max). The only difference between Bella and Stella is that Bella isn't wearing a diamond collar. Or swinging from an imaginary chandelier. Or eating the sofa.
And riding into Kenmore on the Green Line is a very happy Sheep Dog we've named Wilby. Just like the Sheep Dog in the Disney classic The Shaggy Dog!

We hope you enjoyed National Dog Day!

And we'll be back later this morning with our Double Tuesday post!

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The Hotties on the T Team