Friday 7 December 2012

Fabulous Friday - Michelin Man

They became popular in London and New York last Winter. This Winter they've become popular in Boston. We call them the "Michelin Man Coats" because of the amazing resemblance to the Michelin Man costume. It's a coat that's a perfect fit for the man with the ideal measurements for a pea coat (click here for our post on pea coat fit). And this hottie is exactly the person for whom a Michelin Man Coat is made. Moderate height. Young in years. Slim build. Seductive scruff. An air of insouciance. Positively gorgeous. 

Last year's popular color was Tangerine Tango (orange with depth). This year's color is Emerald Nation (Pantone 17-5641). Our hottie plays his cards right, however, by wearing black, an ever popular color in fashion-conservative Boston. And our hottie will be able to wear his Michelin Man Coat next Winter without appearing behind the fashion curve when a new color is in style.

Oh! Don't forget to come see us in the Santa Speedo Run tomorrow!

As we have a lot of new visitors to our blog we thought we'd take the time to re-introduce our Hotties on the T Crew, their roles and the T lines they frequent:

1. FT is our Executive in charge of production. Oh he's everywhere!
2. FTH is our Executive in charge of diversity casting and Twitter. Red line.
3. GB is our Executive layout editor for blog and Facebook. Green Line / Blue Line.
4. RM is our Executive for social events. Red Line / Orange Line.
5. Nippy is our Executive for suburban affairs. Commuter Rail / Commuter Bus.

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter! @hottiesonthet

Location: Green Line at St Mary's
Imagined Profession: Art Gallery Acquisitions Manager
Photographer: GB

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